Struggling To Get Your Business Off The Ground? Here Are Three Ways This Powerful Marketing Technique Can Help

Jay Winttle
3 min readJan 11, 2021


Now more than ever, people are focusing on becoming entrepreneurs. COVID-19 has forced thousands of people to be laid off, and these people want to take their financial security into their own hands.

While this is admirable, many of these business owners are likely to experience growing pains. Many of them have little to no experience, so trial and error will teach them business principles the hard way.

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Fortunately, there are several marketing techniques that they can use to get ahead. These include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, and Content Marketing. They can choose to learn the principles of these techniques and do their marketing themselves, or they can hire an expert marketing team to do it for them.

However, there is one critical marketing technique that people overlook: Reputation Management.

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

The following three points will illustrate how reputation management can be a powerful tool for your business.

1.Reputation Management builds customer trust

Studies show that consumers are more likely to buy from brands they trust. Reputation Management services employ strategies that improve the way your product looks in the eye of the public. The more attractive your product seems the more people will buy and the more trustworthy your brand will be.

2.Reputation Management builds your brand image

When someone or another business tries to smear your company image with a bad review, steps should be taken to ensure that negativity is resolved. Reputation Management services will help you monitor your online image so that your brand continues to attract customers.

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

3.Reputation Management increases the chances of investors working with you

Whenever you apply for a loan, a series of background checks are conducted. If it’s a business loan, your public image is considered too. If an investor does research on your business and finds a litany of negative reviews, they might not want to invest.

With Reputation Management, you ensure that even your most disgruntled customers are satisfied. While it may be impossible to delete a negative comment, taking responsibility for a customer’s dissatisfaction is a good sign for any investor.

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

Taking advantage of this marketing technique could help you stand out from your competitors. If you reside in Denmark and want to experience the benefits of Reputation Management, Nordic Business Consulting can help. They can help you build a 5-star rating online to attract more customers, investors, and high-quality staff.

